مختبرات البركة الطبية

Saturday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM

Friday closed

9200 19935


Saudi Arabia


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Post Type Selectors
  • Sodium analysis
  • Potassium analysis
  • Calcium analysis
  • Chloride analysis
  • AST
  • ALT
  • ALP
  • GGT
  • Bili Total
  • Bili Direct
  • Bili Indirect
  • Total Protein
  • Albumin
  • CBC . complete blood picture
  • Iron and iron stock and capacity
  • Thyroid
  • vitamins
  • rare items
  • CBC . complete blood picture
  • Sugar FBS
  • Cholesterol fat, TG
  • Liver Functions AST, ALT
  • Kidney Functions Urea , Creatinine
  • CBC
  • HBS , HbA1C
  • Cholestrol , HDL , LDL , TGs
  • AST , ALT
  • FT4 , TSH
  • Vit D